Stone, Melissa M.2019-08-142019-08-142003P2003-2 report analyzes the Community Employment Partnership (CEP), an experimental approach to implementing welfare reform in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to further understand when and how public-private partnerships are effective tools to implement public policy. The report describes three distinct phases in CEP's evolution and discusses several themes underlying the partnership's efforts, including the economic and political environment in which CEP operated, the interaction of formal and informal authority within the partnership, and the shifting definitions of the problem CEP was trying to solve. This report formed the basis for an article featured in the Winter 2004 issue of the CURA Reporter titled 'Partnerships and Policy Implementation: Lessons from an Experiment in Ramsey County,' by Melissa M. Stone.enAid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)Community Employment Partnership (CEP)employersemploymenthistoryjobspartnershipspublic policyRamsey Countywelfare reformOpportunities and Constraints for System Change: A Historical Perspective on the Community Employment Partnership.Report