Shoben, Edward J.2011-03-242011-03-241983Shoben, Edward J. (1983). Applications of multidimensional scaling in cognitive psychology. Applied Psychological Measurement, 7, 473-490. doi:10.1177/014662168300700406doi:10.1177/014662168300700406 psychology has used multidimensional scaling (and related procedures) in a wide variety of ways. This paper examines some straightforward applications, and also some applications where the explanation of the cognitive process is derived rather directly from the solution obtained through multidimensional scaling. Other applications examined include cognitive development, and the use of MDS to assess change as a function of context. Also examined is how an ideal representation is selected, whether, for example, a space or a tree is more appropriate. Finally, some inherent limitations of the method for cognitive psychologists are outlined, and some pitfalls and potential misapplications are identified.enApplications of multidimensional scaling in cognitive psychologyArticle