William, Lenart REllison, Christopher JFerry, Vivian ECote, Bryan M2022-06-162022-06-162022-06-16https://hdl.handle.net/11299/228029Folders are divided by the gyroid's crystallographic orientation. All of the post-processed simulation results are saved as MATLAB .mat files. Files ending in _RTA contain the gyroid's simulated reflection, transmission, and absorption spectra. Files that end in _Fields contain electric field intensity enhancement information. Additional information can be found in Cote_et_al_2022_ReadMe.txt.Data includes the processed FDTD simulation results needed to recreate the figures in "Surface Structure Dependent Circular Dichroism in Single and Double Gyroid Metamaterials". The data files include single and double gyroids' reflection, transmission, and absorption spectra, near-field electric field intensity enhancements, and the gyroid 3D models used in the FDTD simulations.CC0 1.0 Universalchiralitycircular dichroismmetamaterialsgyroidSupporting data for Surface Structure Dependent Circular Dichroism in Single and Double Gyroid MetamaterialsDatasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/fp2j-xr45