Knudsen, Kjell RLichty, Richard WJacobson, JeanZelenak, JenniferGranley, JeredNaimpally, Amrita2023-11-082023-11-081996 record contains 17 files. There are 5 files titled "Report #1 - Preliminary Data: Focus Group Study Material," each for a different region (Central, Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, and West Central); these files are named 1C, 1NE, 1 NW, 1SW, and 1WC, respectively. [Presumably there was a Report #1 for the Southeast region originally but it has not been located.] There are 6 files titled "Report #2 - Supporting Data" and 6 files titled "Round Table Discussion/Executive Summary," each for a different region (Central, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, and West Central); these files are named 2C, 2NE, 2NW, 2SE, 2SW, 2WC, 3C, 3NE, 3NW, 3SE, 3SW, and 3WC respectively. The files were converted from earlier file formats (including .prn and .wpd) to .pdf files, and in some cases the formatting of the documents is slightly off due to this conversion process.enBureau of Business and Economic ResearchUniversity of Minnesota DuluthMinnesota Regional Manufacturing/Technology Opportunity AssessmentReport