Green, Jeffrey AKuehner, KevinLuhmann, Andrew JAlexander Jr., E. Calvin2017-03-062017-03-062010 dye traces with table and figure. A collaborative Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, and the University of Minnesota.Dye tracing was conducted at sinkholes in and around the Crystal Creek watershed in Bristol & Carimona Townships in Fillmore County. These traces were done as part of a cooperative effort between DNR, MDA and Fillmore County. The county and the MDA are working with landowners in the Crystal Creek watershed to study land management impacts on water resources. This area is underlain by Ordovician Galena limestone and is characterized by surface karst features. The predominant karst features are sinkholes and springs. The traces were done to begin to delineate the ground water basins (springsheds)that feed the springs that are the water sources for Crystal Creek. In karst areas like the Crystal Creek watershed, it is common for the ground water watershed to have different boundaries than the surface water watershed.enCrystal Creek, Fillmore County Dye Tracing 2010Report