Park, SojungBates, Frank SDorfman, Kevin D2023-10-052023-10-052023-10-05 the data provided here, users can reproduce all the results of self-consistent field theory (SCFT) calculations presented in the associated paper. The data set is split into the subdirectories 'figure#' corresponding to each figure in the main paper. Each folder contains input files to generate the converged solutions of the SCFT simulations for the corresponding figures in the paper. Information about the open-source C++ SCFT program is available at GitHub ( and the user manual page ( For a detailed description of the data files, please read the readme file.This data set contains the input and output files from the PSCF C++ program used for the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) simulation in "Single Gyroid in H-shaped Block Copolymers." Self-consistent field theory was used to investigate the equilibrium phase behavior of H-shaped block copolymers. With this dataset, users should be able to regenerate all the calculations that appeared in the paper, using the open-source C++ SCFT program available on GitHub ( 1.0 UniversalSelf-Consistent Field TheoryBlock CopolymerPhase BehaviorEquilibrium Phase DiagramData for Single Gyroid in H-shaped Block CopolymersDataset