Schuweiler, AndreaGustafson, Kent2010-02-162010-02-162009-10-07 is defined as a set of activities that occurs when people link travel with the products, services, and experiences of agriculture. Examples of agri-tourism include, but are not limited to, farm stays, hay rides, wine trails, farm tours, and farm festivals. Agri-tourism can increase farm revenue, lead to a more diversified business, and stimulate local economies. In 2009, the University of Minnesota Tourism Center, in partnership with Renewing the Countryside, the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, and the Minnesota Grown program of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture conducted a survey of Minnesota farms to learn about agri-tourism businesses, activities, and opportunities. The information gained from the survey is designed to help the University of Minnesota Tourism Center and its partner organizations provide better educational and marketing opportunities for agri-tourism in Minnesota.en-USCollege of Continuing EducationCollege of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource SciencesDepartment of Forest ResourcesUM Extension TourismTourism CenterMinnesota Agri-tourism: Status and InterestPresentation