Engseth, EllenRamler, Gristel2019-09-102019-09-102019Ellen Engseth & Gristel Ramler (2019). Collaboration Across Borders, or Piiride-ülene Koostöö: Estonians and Americans Working Together Towards Accessible Archival Collections, Journal of Library Administration, 59:5, 565-577, DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2019.1616972https://hdl.handle.net/11299/206573A collaborative project to improve global description and thus discovery of library material is shared and analyzed after a decade of activity. The Immigration History Research Center Archives and the National Archives of Estonia work together to arrange and describe archival collections, utilizing the assets of the two different institutions. This project recognizes that the unique research material located in Minnesota holds importance to patrons in many countries, are a result of cultural and informational migration, and that access to this multilingual source material relies on robust description. The article provides the project’s context, and describes its administration.enaccessarchivescollaborationdiscoverabilityinternationallibrariesmetadatamultilingualstaffingCollaboration Across Borders, or Piiride-ülene Koostöö: Estonians and Americans Working Together Towards Accessible Archival CollectionsArticle10.1080/01930826.2019.1616972