Anderson, Alvin G.Dahlin, Warren2011-09-092011-09-091973-03 model of the spillway for the Nader Shah Projeot, a key element of the Marun River Development under the direction of the Khuzestan Water and Power Authority of the Government of Iran, was constructed. at a soale of 1:78.7 and tested at the St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of Minnesota. The purpose of the model studies was to observe the nature of the flow in the approach, the spillway, and the tailrace and to provide data for the structural design. Initial observations were made of the flow characteristics in the tailrace for bucket exit angles of 10°, 20°, 30°, and 40°. Considering the energy dissipation and the velocities along the left bank of the tailrace, at the bucket, and by the toe of the dam, the bucket with a 40° exit angle was judged to be the optimum design. All further tests were made on the spillway with a 40° exit bucket. Approach flow conditions, spillway ratings, water surface profiles, both static and fluctuating pressures through the spillway, and erosion in the tailrace were observed. In addition to the data presented on the charts in this report, a photographic record in the form of still photos and color motion pictures was kept during the test program. A color-sound motion picture was produced covering the model studies.en-USModel Study of the Spillway for the Nader Shah Project Marun River development Khuzestan Water and Power Authority Ministry of Water and Power - Government of IranReport