Cerra, Frank B.2007-04-192007-04-192005-09-21https://hdl.handle.net/11299/32From the letter: "More specifically, the task force should: 1.) Develop a methodology for determining class size and enrollment for each of the health professional schools in which the University is the major source of providers for Minnesota and the region. (Examples of the latter are dentistry, veterinary medicine, and public health.) 2.) Define the role of the University in the community partnerships necessary to educate and train the next generation of health professionals. Delineate principles for partnerships, the infrastructure necessary to sustain these partnerships, educational quality control, and accountability systems. 3.) Define the role and best use of interprofessional education in the education and training of the next generation of health professionals. Delineate new interprofessional education and care delivery models, the scope of their use, barriers to their use and approaches for overcoming those barriers, and how the models would be financially supported. 4.) Clarify the resource needs and funding sources of the current paradigm of health professional education. Identify where cost reductions can occur, where additional revenue is needed, and what the source(s) of that revenue could be. 5.) Address the following question: What are the emerging trends in health professional education and how might we use them for transformative change in our current paradigms? 6.) Report on creative approaches to transforming health professional education that you may encounter during the course of your work."Letter describing the charge to the AHC Strategic Positioning Task Force on the Health Professional Workforce.en-USAcademic Health CenterCharge Letter, AHC Strategic Positioning Task Force on the Health Professional WorkforceOther