Vogt, Carl2009-07-062009-07-061994Vogt, C. 1994. Identifying Maple Trees for Syrup Production. University of Minnesota Extension Service Fact Sheet FS-6286-A.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/519092 pages. Illustrated.This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.Explains how to identify the four types of maple trees that are suitable for producing maple syrup in Minnesota: sugar maple (hard maple) Acer saccharum; red maple (soft maple) Acer rubrum; silver maple (soft or cutleaf maple) Acer saccharinum; and boxelder (Manitoba maple) Acer negundo.en-USmaple syrupAcerMinnesotaIdentifying Maple Trees for Syrup ProductionMinnesota Maple Series: Identifying Maple Trees for Syrup ProductionIdentifying Maple Trees for Syrup Production, Minnesota Maple SeriesManual or Documentation