Kono, Thomas J YFu, FengliMohammadi, MohsenHoffman, Paul JLiu, ChaochihStupar, Robert MSmith, Kevin PTiffin, PeterFay, Justin CMorrell, Peter L2016-07-262016-07-262016-07-26https://hdl.handle.net/11299/181502There are two gzipped VCF (variant call format) files with variant calls for barley and soybean. A total of 652,797 SNPs were identified in the barley lines, which consisted of 13 cultivars and 2 wild accessions. For soybean, 7 cultivars and 1 wild accession were used, and 586,102 SNPs were called. Whether a variant is deleterious or not was determined using SIFT (http://sift.jcvi.org/), PolyPhen2 (http://genetics.bwh.harvard.edu/pph2/), and a likelihood ratio test of sequence conservation. Raw reads are available through the SRA accession numbers in Table S1 of Kono et al. 2016. The code used for this research, BAD_Mutations, is open source and freely available at https://github.com/MorrellLAB/BAD_Mutations.SNP calls in protein coding regions were obtained from 15 barley and 8 soybean lines. Non synonymous SNPs were predicted to be deleterious or not using three approaches.Attribution 3.0 United Statesdeleterious mutationsbarleysoybeanresequencingbioinformaticsVariants from "The role of deleterious substitutions in crop genomes"Datasethttp://doi.org/10.13020/D65C7D