Nelson, Laura2012-01-182012-01-182012-01-18 adviser: Dr. Benjamin Munson; Collaborators on the final bibliography: Tara Castellano and Kayla AhonenTwo to School is a 5-year longitudinal study of language acquisition in children and in which nonword repetition is the primary measure of language abilities. The following description is the methodology used to compile a bibliography of articles containing possible nonword stimuli as well as a list of nonwords used with a pilot group of children in Two to School. Dr. Benjamin Munson oversaw the project, and Tara Castellano and Kayla Ahonen were also collaborators in the final bibliography. (1) Searched PubMed, an online citation tool of NCBI, with keyword “nonword.” (2) Set search parameters to articles published from 1990 to present. (3) Excluded articles in query in which written nonword stimuli were used. (4) Interest was given to articles with verbal nonword stimuli. (5) From article appendices, compiled nonwords, in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) script when available, in an Excel spreadsheet.en-USDepartment of Speech-Language-Hearing SciencesCollege of Liberal ArtsTwo to School: a compilation of nonwordsPresentation