Michalopoulos, PanosHourdakis, JohnSinha, Prasoon2007-08-082007-08-082005-03-01CTS 04-06https://hdl.handle.net/11299/1217This report looks at how traffic control rooms are behind the curve of available technology. Mn/DOT realized a need to create TRAMLAB, in order to set up an environment which contains a virtual control room where technologies such as: surveillance, traffic control, incident detection, and management can be tested before implementation. The three objectives for this study are as follows: 1. Evaluate existing operations in the control room of the Mn/DOT TMC and make recommendations for increasing the efficiency of their operations. 2. Enhance TRAMLAB by enhancing the user interface and integrating it with a microscopic simulator. 3. Enhance the utilities of the simulator by adding features such as an automated initial state creator and a module for presenting the output of simulation. In spite of the completion of the TRAMLAB objectives, there is still room for further expansion and improvements. One example includes incorporation of algorithms for detecting the malfunctioning of field devices such as detectors. Another improvement would be to expand TRAMLAB for urban street actuated and adaptive control (as opposed to pre-timed only) incorporating actuated control interfaces as well as SCOOT and SCATS or other traffic -responsive schemes. Further, a web interface can be developed to provide the nonuniversity users with access to TRAMLAB.108Future TMC Operations System Prototype and Testing Facility: Phase II