Haugen, HeidiMeyer, RebeccaPiehl, BarbaraPokorney, Nicole2011-08-222011-08-222010https://hdl.handle.net/11299/113527There is growing concern in the United States that there will be a shortage of scientists in the not-too-distant future. To address this issue, 4-H identified as one of its priorities to meet the needs of children, youth and the nation with high quality science, engineering and technology learning programs (4-H SET Checklist). 4-H’s approach is comprehensive and holistic: from agriculture to climate change to alternative energy, youth are learning about highly relevant complex systems and issues that will ensure their contributions to their communities today and their success as global leaders tomorrow (http://www.4-h.org/youth-development-programs/4- h-science-programs/). National 4-H leaders saw that within the environmental sciences, a 2002 edition of Exploring Your Environment (Hartz & Carlson) needed to be updated and to incorporate relevant ecosystem and world environmental issues. The curriculum first originated in Minnesota, so a team of writers from the University of Minnesota Extension 4-H program was asked to rewrite the curriculum.en-USExploring Your Environment: A National 4-H CurriculumPresentation