Aggarwal, Gagan2011-05-032011-05-032011-01 of Minnesota Master of Science in Electrical Engineering thesis. January 2011. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Stephen A. Campbell. 1 computer file (PDF); v, 50 pages.As the demands on our world’s energy resources continue to grow, alternative high efficiency materials such as quantum confined silicon nano particles are desirable for their potential low cost application in general white light illumination. In optical displays, and in on-chip optical interconnects. Many fabrication and passivation techniques have been developed that produce silicon nano particles with high photogenerated quantum yield. However, high electrically generated silicon nano particles quantum efficiency has eluded our society. Predominantly due to lack of surface passivation and device fabrication techniques that preserves the nano particle properties. Hence, in this work we have developed a Hybrid MESFET where we can control the amount of light from the device by controlling the gate voltage and also with the use of the organics we can also preserve the electroluminescent properties of the silicon nano particles. The passivation of nonthermal plasma fabricated silicon nano particles with surface oxide grown was done under UV exposure. The surface oxidized silicon nano particles (Si/SiO2) surface chemistry was composed predominately of SiO2. Hybrid MESFET’s were fabricated with the use of couple of organic materials (PVK and PEDOT:PSS) and in organics (ITO and Aluminum). Choice of materials were based upon the previous work done by another students in the same group and also based upon the band alignment of the different layers and also upon the process ability of those materials. The devices once fabricated were tested for the functioning using parameter analyzer and the light output was recorded with silicon photodiode. Also for the verification of the results simulation was done using PADRE simulator.en-USElectrical EngineeringLight Emitting Transistors Using Silicon Quantum Dots in an Organic MatrixThesis or Dissertation