Lovett, KathleenCaskey, MarySchroeder, MaryKunkel, Kelly2013-12-132013-12-132013-10 an effort to decrease chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, Hennepin County Public Health secured a five-year Community Transformation Grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As part of this grant, Hennepin County Public Health recognized a need to ensure food service staff are properly trained to support healthy eating initiatives such as increasing student intake of fruits and vegetables. Extension’s strong history of impactful school food service trainings, Hennepin County Public Health contracted with Extension’s school food service team to conduct trainings. Training objectives include: 1) Improving the culinary skills of foodservice staff to prepare fruits and vegetables, including locally grown, that appeal to students; 2) implementing behavioral economic techniques to increase student consumption of fruits and vegetables. To date, this training has been conducted in seven school districts reaching more than 400 participants.en-USbehavioral economicsCommunity Transformation Grantculinary skillsschool food serviceTransforming the School Cafeteria Environment in Hennepin CountyPresentation