Krizek, Kevin J.Barnes, GaryWilson, RyanJohns, RobertMcGinnis, Laurie2013-06-242013-06-242007-06 Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP), which is part of the 2005 federal transportation bill known as SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users), specifically included $100 million for pilot programs in four communities (Columbia, Missouri; Marin County, California; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Sheboygan County, Wisconsin) to increase levels of walking and cycling. The NTPP requires FHWA to evaluate the efficacy of these programs. This report describes the efforts to establish baseline before data on the amount of travel by bicycling and walking in the four pilot communities (and in a control site) that will be used for comparison purposes with after data in 2010. The objective of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP) is to demonstrate the extent to which bicycling and walking can carry a significant part of the transportation load and represent a major portion of the transportation solution within selected communities. To this end, the baseline survey centers around two primary goals: 1) To measure changes in motor vehicle, nonmotorized transportation, and public transportation use in communities participating in the program and assess how such changes decrease congestion and energy usage, increase the frequency of bicycling and walking, and promote better health and a cleaner environment. 2) To develop a profile of behavior and attitudes in the individual communities that can aid in planning for various walking and cycling infrastructure. This report describes the key features of walking and bicycling behavior as they relate to the stated program objectives. It also provides additional information on walking and bicycling behavior that can serve as further reference points for future comparison. Finally, it furnishes information about attitudes toward nonmotorized transportation-related issues in the program communities. The research team strategically constructed a survey to glean reliable information on the following attributes of walking and cycling: frequencies, distances, purposes, attitudes, barriers, and other related information.en-USNonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program Evaluation Study, Phase 1Report