Hudak, George J2020-05-192020-05-192020-04 United States Geological Survey (USGS) provided funding via the FY 2019 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) for the project “Updated Minnesota Data Inventory: Preservation of Pillsbury Hall Rock Collections with Associated Additional Documentation: Assembly of Mineral Potential Related Information.” The three priority components of this project were as follows: • Priority 1: Collection Inventory and metadata record revision in the National Digital Catalog; • Priority 2: Preservation of Pillsbury Hall Rock collections with associated and additional documentation; and • Priority 3: Assemble information that supports identification of critical mineral resources in Minnesota. As part of Priority 3, the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI) was subcontracted by the Minnesota Geological Survey to prepare a bibliography briefly describing published research specific to Minnesota that supports inference of mineral potential on the basis of geological mapping, and a bibliography listing references for published literature on this topic. The NRRI provided matching funding to complete this work from the NRRI University of Minnesota Permanent University Trust Fund. The USGS has recently developed a new minerals system approach for critical minerals inventory, research and assessment ( science/systems-approach-critical-minerals-inventory?qt-science_center_objects=0#qtscience_ center_objects; Hostra, 2019). The following bibliography is organized utilizing this minerals system classification scheme. As Minnesota has a preserved geologic history that spans greater than 3.6 billion years, and as a wide variety of geological processes have been active over this geological history, mineral potential exists in many of the mineral systems, including Chemical Weathering, Placer, Meteoric Recharge, Marine Chemocline, Volcanogenic Seafloor, Orogenic, Metamorphic, IOA-IOCG, and Mafic Magmatic. As well, a short bibliography of potential By-Products/Recycling resources has been included with this bibliography.enNatural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthBibliographyMineral systemsMinnesota mineral potentialA Bibliography of Published Research in Minnesota Related to the State’s Mineral Potential: April 2020Natural Resources Research Institute Technical Summary ReportTechnical Report