Center for Transportation Studies2014-10-272014-10-272008-10 Included: Welcoming and opening remarks; Plenary session: Case Study of the Bethany Pearson family; Medical helicopter safety concerns and innovations; Signs and stripes for safety sake; All you need to know about teen drivers; Luncheon presentation: rural safety, health and emergency response; St. Mary's hospital - Mayo clinic crash case presentation; The building blocks of community coalitions; Motivating yourself and other law enforcement officials; Update on safety strategies; Alternatives to driving while impaired; LRRB rural road safety; Communicating traffic safety information to non-English speaking populations; Intersection collision prevention overview; Cycles, cameras, and cops: passenger car enforcement around big trucks; Deer collision avoidance systems; Building teams to conduct high visibility enforcement; Fatal reviews: crashes that claim lives; Child Passenger safety: Overview of sessions; Closing Plenary: the success stories of the I-35W bridge collapse responseSponsored by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and the Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Program. The conference brings together transportation safety stakeholders from Minnesota and beyond to share best practices in the areas of engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency services, and to chart the course for a future where traffic fatalities and life-changing injuries are rare events.enTransportationToward Zero DeathsSafetyConferenceMinnesota Toward Zero Deaths: 2008Report