Kelly, Samuel M2022-03-142022-03-142022-03-14 is a Matlab function (CTW_MODES.m) and two folders (compressed in .zip format). Each folder has an associated plain-text documentation file that includes detailed information about its contents. The folders are: (1) MITgcm and (2) plotting_scripts. The first folder includes all compile-time and run-time options for the MITgcm simulations. It also includes Matlab scripts and functions to generate MITgcm input files and post-process MITgcm output files. The MITgcm source code is available at The second folder contains Matlab scripts and functions that re-create the figures included in Kelly and Ogbuka (2022). All of the data needed for these scripts are included in the folder. The TPXO surface tide atlas is available at recent manuscript examined coastal trapped waves (CTWs) using theory and the MIT general circulation model (MITgcm). The manuscript developed a Matlab code to generate orthogonal CTWs and then used the code to analyze MITgcm simulations of CTW generation. This submission includes the code to generate orthogonal CTWs (CTW_modes.m), the configuration and post-processing files for the MITgcm, and Matlab scripts that recreate the figures in the manuscript.CC0 1.0 Universal trapped wavesInternal wavesMITgcmInternal tideTideMaterials to re-create Coastal trapped waves: normal modes, evolution equations, and topographic generationDataset