Ollenburger, Jane C2021-03-182021-03-181992P9200https://hdl.handle.net/11299/219123From mid January through late April 1992, Post-test interviews were conducted with St. Louis County residents assessing the type and quality of and attitudes toward the services provided by St. Louis County after the implementation of the service leadership training. The survey instrument was drawn up by Dr. Jane Ollenburger, Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Sociology at UMD with the assistance of Jeffrey Thompson, formerly of the Employee Development Division, St. Louis County. The research was funded jointly by St. Louis County and the Center for Community and Regional Research (CCRR). Interviews were conducted by telephone. They averaged 8.25 minutes in length with a standard deviation of 3.6. The shortest interview was 3 minutes and the longest was 30 minutes. Departments included in this survey underwent a service leadership training program. The intent of the program was {:o improve the quality of customer service.Center for Community and Regional Research (CCRR)University of Minnesota Duluthcounty governmentsDuluthleadershippublic servicesSt Louis CountysurveysEvaluation of Service Leadership Project: Final Report.Center for Community and Regional Research ReportReport