Hancher, Michael2014-08-052014-08-0519760091-9144https://hdl.handle.net/11299/164488Articles: Symbolism/Anti-Symbolism / Marjorie Perloff. Speaking of Watergate: Language and Moral Accountability / Brenda Danet. Communicative Competence in American Trial Courtrooms / Bruce C. Johnson. Why You Can't Say What You Mean (Review Article) / Robin Lakoff. Book reviews: Review of Style and Structure in Literature: Essays in the New Stylisitcs, edited by Roger Fowler / Donald Ross. Review of Emblem and Expression: Meaning in English Art of the Eighteenth Century, by Ronald Paulson / Stephen C. Behrendt.en-USCentrum: Working Papers of the Minnesota Center for Advanced Studies in Language, Style, and Literary Theory. Volume 4, Number 2, Fall 1976Working Paper