Samac, Deborah ACoburn, Jessica E MPhelps, Nicholas B. D.Wells, M Scott2019-05-222019-05-222019 presentation at Aquaculture America 2019.Interest in local, sustainable aquaculture is continuing to expand across the United States. To ensure profitability and high consumer acceptance, a plant-based non-GMO source of protein is needed for replacing fishmeal in aquaculture diets. Most replacements in current use are derived from seeds, and often contain undesirable antinutritional components. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is a high biomass perennial legume that is grown across the U.S. for use in animal feeds. We evaluated the yield and composition of protein concentrates derived from fresh alfalfa foliage. Furthermore, a commercial alfalfa protein concentrate (APC) was used to replace fishmeal in diets for yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Weight gains, growth rate, and feed conversion ratios were measured.enalfalfaaquacultureYellow perchrainbow troutAlfalfa leaf protein concentrate: A sustainable protein source for aquaculture feedsPresentation