Oliveira-Santos, L. Gustavo R.Moore, Seth A.Severud, William J.Forester, James D.Isaac, Edmund J.Chenaux-Ibrahim, Yvette M.Garwood, TylerEscobar, Luis E.Wolf, Tiffany M.2021-11-152021-11-152021-11-15https://hdl.handle.net/11299/225296See ReadMe text file for a comprehensive description of all uploaded data files.This collection of files provides data and R code supporting the publication "Spatial compartmentalization: a nonlethal predator mechanism to reduce parasite transmission between prey species" in review at Science Advances. We provide all necessary code to reproduce the analysis along with simulated movement data of white-tailed deer, moose, and wolves.parasitespillover riskParelaphostrongylus tenuisCanis lupusAlces alcesOdocoileus virginianusGrand Portage Indian ReservationMinnesotaR code and data for "Spatial compartmentalization: a nonlethal predator mechanism to reduce parasite transmission between prey species"Datasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/54h8-h277