Bruininks, Robert H.2011-07-052011-07-052011 majority of this report, submitted to the Board of Regents Winter 2011, focuses on the progress of the Twin Cities campus toward the goals set through Transforming the U. Wherever possible, the report highlights decisions that have advanced the system as a whole; however, each of the campuses has its own unique issues, goals, and plans for addressing them (Appendix A). As a result, the same level of detail is not shared about individual University campuses.Strategic alignment—between aspirations and goals; between goals and strategies; and between strategies and specific priorities and decisions—is absolutely essential to truly transformative ensure that the momentum we’ve built over the past six years is, in fact, carrying us toward a better future, this report was constructed around the following question: To become a top public research university, what areas of focus absolutely must be addressed? Reflecting on this question, 13 essential areas were identified upon which a strong public university should focus its resources and expertise in order to become world class.en-USstrategic positioningTransforming the U Progress and ImpactReport