Shively, EmilyWorkman, John2019-06-122019-06-122009 City of Dayton recently completed its first Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan. The city requested assistance refining the plan to facilitate implementation. Graduate students in landscape architecture and urban and regional planning refined a trail alignment along the Mississippi River that will link several existing parks, the community's historic district, and the regional Elm Creek Park Reserve, as well as create connections to a proposed countywide trail and to the future Elk River commuter rail station. In this report, the students identified implementation mechanisms for the plan, as well as funding opportunities and requirements in conjunction with the National Park Service's centennial celebration in 2016, one goal of which is to create a continuous trail system along the entire length of the Mississippi River by the centennial.enCommunity Growth Options (U-CGO)Community Growth Planning Assistance Center (CGPAC)Land UseLocal GovernmentsParksPlanningRecreationTrailsDayton Mississippi River TrailReport