Barnett, BlakeCochran, SeanHornick, AlyssaRouzer, Max2018-09-182018-09-182018 and posters completed by students enrolled in ARCH 3250: Community Design and Public Interest Architecture, taught by James Wheeler and LA 3002: Informants of Creating Landscape Space, taught by Jessica Rossi-Mastracci and Joe Favour in spring 2018.This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of Ramsey. The goal of this project was to examine the City of Ramsey’s current greenway system and propose changes and extensions to the system that make it easier to navigate and more efficient to use. Ramsey project lead Mark Riverblood collaborated with a team of students enrolled in James Wheeler’s ARCH 3250 course, and Jessica Rossi-Mastracci and Joe Favour’s LA 3002 course, to create conceptual designs and recommend specific improvements to the City’s greenway system. A final student report and posters from the project are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentRamseyCity of Ramsey Projects, 2017-2018Circle of Ramsey Greenway SystemReport