University of Minnesota Duluth. Department of Art and Design2020-06-102020-06-102020 Art & Design's “Virtual” Annual Student Exhibition runs from April 9 through May 20, 2020 online.The Department of Art & Design at the University of Minnesota Duluth invites the public to our “virtual” Annual Student Exhibition (ASE). This Annual Student Exhibition is a juried show of work executed by students who took classes in the Department of Art & Design. This year’s jurors are graphic designer, Abby Haddican, and ceramist, Kimberlee Joy Roth. The virtual website was designed and created by students currently enrolled in Professor Jennifer Gordon's Graphic Design classes. The Annual Student Exhibition "Look Both Ways," features over 80 works of art from a range of media including: animation, ceramics, digital art, drawing, graphic design, motion graphics, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and video. This year's exhibition looks back at the history of ASE, giving viewers a look at what's been done in the past, and what's currently happening. Join us in celebrating the work of our students by visiting the virtual exhibition!en-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthDepartment of Art and DesignExhibitsVirtual eventsAnnual Student Exhibition (2020)Other