2013-05-292013-05-291992-10Nature, society, and thought, Vol. 5, No. 4 (October 1992)0890-6130https://hdl.handle.net/11299/149709ARTICLES: Tom Meisenhelder, Whatever Became of State Monopoly Capitalism? Leola Johnson, Journalistic Representations of Anita Hill: Some Observations on the Performance of Women Newsworkers. Gudrun Richter, “The Police Cannot Be the Constructor of the New Life”: Petr A. Kropotkin and the October Revolution. E. San Juan, Jr., Critique of the New Politics of Racism/Nationalism in the United States. COMMENTARIES: On Hans Heinz Holz’s Downfall and Future of Socialism. Daniel Rubin, For an Organization Based on Scientific Socialism, Not the Old Model of a Communist Party. Erwin Marquit, On Retaining the Science in Scientific Socialism: A Reply to Rubin. BOOK REVIEWS: Pearl Zipser: Woman from Spillertown: A Memoir of Agnes Burns Wieck, by David Thoreau Wieck. Frederic Hicks: Marxist Approaches in Economic Anthropology, edited by Alice Littlefield and Hill Gates. Victor N. Paananen: The Pristine Culture of Capitalism, by Ellen Meiksins Wood.enNature, society, and thought: a journal of dialectical and historical materialism, Volume 05, Number 4 (October 1992)NSTNewsletter or Bulletin