Vang, Chia KouaYee Yang, GniaSmalley, William A.2019-09-202019-09-201990M1097 life story of Shong Lue Yang and the Vietnam War as seen from the under side is told here by two of Shong Lue's followers now living in the United States. Shong Lue was messianic figure who emerged among the Hmong people of Vietnam and Laos in 1959. He was assassinated and his movement violently crushed in 1971. The text is in three languages--Pahawh Hmong (Shong Lue's system), White Hmong, and English--presented simultaneously so that they may be compared.enbiographyhistoryHmonglanguagesminoritiesSoutheast Asian Refugee Studies (SARS) ProjectSoutheast AsiansLife of Shong Lue Yang: Hmong 'Mother of Writing' (Keeb Kwm Soob Lwj Yaj: Hmoob 'Niam Ntawv').Report