Taylor, Brian2015-09-082015-09-082012-07-20https://hdl.handle.net/11299/174252Date: 7/20/12 Location: Manning Ave S, Woodbury MN Aircraft: Thor Pilot: Arion Mangio (driver) Flights: 3 with Thor Weather Sunny, temps around 70F. METAR (St. Paul Downtown): KSTP 201853Z 14007KT 10SM CLR 25/19 A3008 Adhika, Andrei, Arion, Will, and Tim arrived at Manning Ave S & 8th st at 2 pm to run some tests related to the faulty GPS signal on Thor. The airplane was strapped down to the bed of Arion's truck, which he drove in a rectangular pattern along 8th St, 10th St, and Manning Ave S. Besides some faulty data logging, all flight ops ran smoothly. The main objective for this flight test was to obtain and compare filtered GPS data from Thor while the engine was off, and while it was at full throttle. The first two runs consisted of driving with the engine off around the pattern. Thor Ground 03 Thor Ground 04en-USThor GroundManning Ave SWoodburyFaultGPSFilterThor Ground 03Dataset