Boerboom, Terrence JGreen, John C2018-09-252018-09-252018 showing the bedrock geology of the Mark Lake Quadrangle, Minnesota with descriptions of geologic units.Portrays the bedrock geology of the Mark Lake quadrangle which prior to this effort was largely unmapped. The map shows the distribution of the various rock types, locations of bedrock outcrops, and structural attributes of the bedrock. Mapped outcrops were used to constrain the geology for the most part, but mapping was augmented by the use of geophysical maps, and lidar imagery. Lidar was especially useful in locating bedrock outcrops during field work, and also for delineating the various bedrock units during the map compilation stage following fieldwork.engeologybedrockMark Lake quadranglenortheastern MinnesotaMidcontinent riftbasaltPrecambrianM-199, Bedrock Geology of the Mark Lake Quadrangle, Cook County, MinnesotaMap