Bajcz, Alex WGlisson, WesleyLarkin, Daniel JFieberg, John2022-12-192022-12-192022-12-19 see the readme file provided in this submission for details on the files included here, which include raw and processed data files as well as several R scripts.These data and files support the published paper "A within-lake occupancy model for starry stonewort, Nitellopsis obtusa, to support early detection and monitoring" | Scientific Reports ( It contains both input files and data as well as processed output files from the modeling effort described in the paper, which uses predictor variables to predict both occupancy and detection for within-lake locations by starry stonewort, an invasive aquatic macrophyte. The files being submitted include everything needed to fully replicate and further interpret our results and provide a framework for constructing similar models in similar contexts.CC0 1.0 Universal stonewortoccupancy-detection modelwithin-lake predictionsimperfect detectionaquatic invasive speciesR Code, Data, and Output Supporting: A within-lake occupancy model for starry stonewort, Nitellopsis obtusa, to support early detection and monitoringDataset