Minneapolis Neighborhood Information System2019-06-052019-06-052001https://hdl.handle.net/11299/203422The Longfellow Community, like most residential neighborhoods in Minneapolis, has a high percentage of homes built before 1950, as well as old industrial properties, and high-traffic transportation corridors. These are just some of the risk indicators that are known sources of lead exposure risk in children. Longfellow Community used four indicators including Census data showing concentrations of children, building condition, age of housing, and proximity to transportation corridors to assess lead exposure risk. GIS was used to map the at-risk areas based on perceived level of risk using the above named criteria.enEnvironmentalGeographic Information Systems (GIS)HealthLongfellow NeighborhoodMapsMinneapolisMinneapolis Neighborhood Information System (MNIS)Neighborhood OrganizationsLongfellow Community Council Lead Exposure Risk Analysis.Report