Xiong, YingziChen, QiaoyueLegge, Gordon E2018-11-162018-11-162018-11-16https://hdl.handle.net/11299/200865LT_RSVP_Raw.csv contains raw data from the RSVP task. See Readme.txt for documentation and trial exclusion criteria.We used a letter transposition (LT) technique to investigate letter position coding during reading in central and peripheral vision. Eighteen subjects read aloud sentences in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. The tests contained a Baseline and three LT conditions with Initial, Internal and Final transpositions (e.g., “reading” to “erading”, “raeding” and “readign”). In each block 6 word-exposure times (central reading: 34, 51, 76, 113, 168 and 250 ms; peripheral reading: 53, 93, 165, 290, 511 and 900 ms) were measured in a random order, each tested 8 times. Eight blocks were tested, with each reading conditions tested once in both central and peripheral vision in a random order.CC0 1.0 Universalreadingletter transpositioncentral visionperipheral visionLetter Transposition Project [GELLAB 2018]Datasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/D6V70K