Finger, Jean SRiesgraf, Andrew TZielinski, Daniel PSorensen, Peter W2019-01-222018-12-192018-12-202019-01-222018-12-19 read README.txt files associated with either lock and dam 2 or 8.This data set has 2 main components: First we investigated the movement of several fish species around and across a Mississippi River lock and dam: Lock and Dam 2. Approximately 200 fish were tagged and released below this structure and were tracked to determine both whether and when they passed through this structure, using an array of passive receiver. Additionally, some of these fish were actively tracked (acoustic and radio) below the spillway gates of lock and dam 2 to investigate their movements and approach behaviors. Second, we investigated the efficiency of a sound barrier installed on the downstream side of the lock chamber of Lock and Dam 8. 160 common carp were tagged and released below a Mississippi River lock and dam (Lock and Dam 8) and tracked using a passive receiver array. This experiment was designed to determine whether fish were entering the lock chamber with the sound barrier on or off. Locks and dams are challenging environments for tracking technology (e.g. difficulty to detect tags in high turbulent water) and we advise to contact the authors or read publication/report associated with this data set for more details about technological limitations.CC0 1.0 Universal and active tracking data of several fish species movement around Lock and Dam 2 and Lock and Dam 8 (2016 to 2018)Dataset