KIM, DO YUON2022-08-292022-08-292020-05 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. 2020. Major: Design, Housing and Apparel. Advisor: Hye-Young Kim. 1 computer file (PDF); 140 pages.This study was designed to examine the interpersonal communication process in the influencer-follower relationship on social media. Through the lens of social exchange theory (Homans, 1961), the persuasion of influencers was explained by the source credibility (Hovland, Janis, & Kelly, 1953) and attractiveness (McGuire, 1968; Mills & Aronson, 1965) models. The specific objectives of this study were: (a) to investigate whether influencer characteristics (i.e. expertise, homophily, physical attractiveness) positively affect followers’ trust in the influencer; (b) to investigate whether influencer characteristics (i.e. homophily, physical attractiveness, sociability) positively affect followers’ attachment to the influencer; (c) to investigate whether followers’ trust and attachment positively affect their loyalty to the influencer and loyalty to the product promoted by the influencer; and (d) to investigate whether followers’ loyalty to the influencer positively affects their loyalty to the product promoted by the influencer. The research setting of this study was fashion and beauty influencers on YouTube followed by Generation Z and Millennials. An online self-administered survey was conducted by 286 participants. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and serial mediation analysis were conducted for data analysis. Positive influence from source characteristics on relational trust and attachment was confirmed except the one from physical attractiveness to trust. Trust and attachment mediated the positive relationship between source characteristics and loyalty to the influencer. Attachment and loyalty to the influencer positively affected loyalty to the product promoted by the influencer. Implications and suggestions for future research were provided.enMarketing CommunicationRelationship MarketingSocial Exchange TheorySocial Media InfluencerSource Attractiveness ModelSource Credibility ModelEXAMINING THE UNDERLYING MECHANISM OF INFLUENCER-FOLLOWER RELATIONSHIPS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: AN INTEGRATED APPLICATION OF THE SOURCE CREDIBILITY AND ATTRACTIVENESS MODELSThesis or Dissertation