Grunewald, Justin2009-05-212009-05-212009-04-08 contributor: Janet L. Schottel (faculty mentor).The stress of desiccation is fatal to many cells and can induce significant water loss, which can impact the structure and function of membranes. When put under the stress of desiccation, E. coli cells are thought to enter a Viable But Nonculturable state (VBNC). The VBNC state is brought on by various stresses and leads to absence of cell division, reduced activity, but cells remain viable. By adding chloramphenicol to cells, the importance of protein synthesis during desiccation and rehydration was investigated. Understanding the mechanism required for recovery from the VBNC state is important in determining ways to improve microbial inhabitants in clinical and agricultural settings.en-USSchool of MedicineUniversity of Minnesota - DuluthCollege of Biological SciencesDepartment of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and BiophysicsProtein Synthesis Is Required for Recovery of Escherichia coli from Desiccation StressPresentation