Alberts, MadeleinePersing, MelissaStoppa-Godoy, PatriciaSyverson, Sandra2009-05-282009-05-282003Alberts, M., Persing, M., Stoppa-Godoy, P., Syverson, S. 2003. Padres Para Siempre: El camino hacia una nueva vida. University of Minnesota Extension Service Bulletin BU-08017. pages. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: of a series of 4 books for Spanish-speaking parents used in PADRES PARA SIEMPRE or PARENTS FOREVER classes. Discusses how to put into place tools and structures for a new life following divorce. Includes discussion of the benefits and challenges involved in the various directions life may take following divorce, including reconciliation with other parent, single parenting. new relationships, and remarriage. For divorcing or separated parents who speak Spanish.esdivorceparent educationPadres Para Siempre: El camino hacia una nueva vidaParents Forever: The road toward a new lifeNewsletter or Bulletin