Wetmore, Clifford M.2014-06-242014-06-242002-11Wetmore CM. R9 Species Conservation assessment for Arctoparmelia centrifuga (L.) Hale in The Upper Great Lakes National Forests. 2002:1-11.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/16358311 pages; 1 mapArctoparnielia centrifuga (L.) Hale is a candidate Regional Forester Sensitive Species on the Superior National Forest in the Eastern Region of the Forest Service. The species occurs on the Superior National Forest. The purpose of this document is to provide the background information necessary to prepare Conservation Approaches and a Conservation Strategy that will include management actions to conserve the species. This conservation assessment provides available information on Arctoparmelia centrifuga (L.) Hale and its distribution, habitat, range, status, life history, and ecology. Arctoparmelia centrifuga grows on sunny bare rock outcrops and has an arctic-alpine distribution throughout the boreal region of the world. In North America it barely enters the Great Lakes area but occurs further south in the Appalachians. It is not listed on any red lists for any of Europe. In the Great Lakes area common habitats for this species are talus slopes and bare rocky ridges. It is a candidate R9 Sensitive Species on Superior National Forest in Minnesota. Threats to Arctoparmelia centrifuga are road and building construction on the rocky ridges, rock climbing, and foot traffic from trails on the ridges.en-USLichensR9 Species Conservation assessment for Arctoparmelia centrifuga (L.) Hale in The Upper Great Lakes National ForestsReport