Jones, Jennifer EMulholland, Susan C2021-03-182021-03-182009-09 from the Center For Community and Regional Research was used to conduct laboratory analysis of materials recovered from the 2008 field work at the Bay View School Forest. Three UMD students were employed to analyze the materials (lithics and a red rock cluster), complete paperwork preparatory for curation, conduct background research, compile maps for illustrations, and write draft sections for the final report. This project had several objectives. The research potential of the Bay View Point site was investigated by analysis of the materials from the site excavations in 2008. Additional work is needed to address the specific research questions but the site is recommended as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Implications for public policy are that this topographic situation on the Duluth Hillside does contain archaeological sites and should be investigated further to comply with Federal and State regulations. The place of archaeology in environmental education is further demonstrated by the enthusiastic participation of volunteers and the information that was gained from this effort.Center for Community and Regional Research (CCRR)University of Minnesota DuluthArchaeology As Environmental Education: Investigations at the Bay View Point Site, Duluth, MinnesotaCenter for Community and Regional Research ReportReport