2015-07-102015-07-101954-05Minnesota Nurserymen's Newsletter (St.Paul, MN:University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service) volume 1:no. 5/6 (1954:May/June)https://hdl.handle.net/11299/172895The present plan is to publish a newsletter once every two months. There will be brief summaries of research papers on cultural topics of interest to Nurserymen. We shall endeavor to keep you posted on insect and disease control. We shall receive the cooperation of members of the University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, Information Service and Horticulture Department, and the Minnesota State Nursery Inspection Service. Mr Eldred Hunt of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society has offered the service of his department in mailing this publicatlonThis archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.enMinnesota --- horticulture -- periodicalsMinnesota Nurserymen's Newsletter, vol.1:no 5 and 6 (1954:May/June)Newsletter or Bulletin