Brown, Robert L.Hancher, Michael2014-08-072014-08-0719810091-9144 The ideology of speech-act theory / Mary Louise Pratt. "Types and symbols of eternity": the poet as prophet / Stephen Prickett. Riffaterre's Semiotics of Poetry, with an illustration in the poetry of Emily Dickinson / William Beauchamp. Your choice: a delightful sorrow or a mourning pleasure / Marvin K.L. Ching. Computational linguistics and discourse analysis / William L. Benzon. Review article: How to be persuasive in literary theory: the case of Wolfgang Iser (review of The act of reading: a theory of aesthetic response, by Wolfgang Iser) / Steven Mailloux. Review: Subjective criticism, by David Bleich / Peter T. Manning.en-USCentrum: Working Papers of the Minnesota Center for Advanced Studies in Language, Style, and Literary Theory. New series, Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1981Working Paper