Jeong, JaehoonHe, TianDuHung-Chang, David2020-09-022020-09-022011-07-26 paper describes Trajectory-based Multi-Anycast (TMA) Forwarding, tailored and optimized for the multicast data delivery in vehicular networks. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to investigate the efficient multicast data delivery in vehicle networks based on the trajectories of vehicles in the multicast group. Due to the privacy concern, we assume only a central server knows the trajectory of each vehicle and the estimated current location of the vehicle. Therefore, after receiving a request of multicast data delivery from a source vehicle, the central server has to figure out how the data has to be delivered to the vehicles in the multicast group. For a given target vehicle in the multicast group, multiple packet-andvehicle rendezvous points are computed as a set of relay nodes to temporarily hold the data along the vehicle's trajectory. This set of rendezvous points can be considered an Anycast set for the target vehicle. We have formulated the multicast data delivery as the data delivery to the anycast sets of the multicast group vehicles. Through theoretical analysis and extensive simulation, it is shown that our design provides an efficient multicast for moving vehicles under a variety of vehicular traffic conditions.en-USTMA: Trajectory-based Multi-Anycast for Multicast Data Delivery in Vehicular NetworksReport