Center for Transportation Studies2017-03-102017-03-101998-04 item isn't labeled as the Freight and Logistics Second Annual Symposium, but it could be considered as such.This report summarizes the four sessions of the symposium Impacts of Logistics on the Upper Midwest Economy that was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on April 22, 1998: Keynote Presentation, "The Growing Role of Logistics in Industry" by Michael W. Wright; Panel 1, "Industry Perspective" moderated by Robert Johns with panelists Ron Lifson, Ed Streeter, Judy Ohannesian; Panel 2, "Impacts and Challenges for the Upper Midwest Economy" moderated by Gerard McCullough with panelists John McDevitt, Jean Kinsey, Art Rolnick; Panel 3, "What Is the Role of Government?" moderated by Cheri Trenda with panelists Sherry Munyon, Mary Smith, and Carol Flynn.enTransportationFreight and LogisticsSymposiumImpacts of Logistics on the Upper Midwest Economy: A Special Symposium ReportConference Paper