Deere, Jessica RStreets, SummerJankowski, Mark DFerrey, MarkChenaux-Ibrahim, YvetteConvertino, MatteoIsaac, E.J.Phelps, Nicholas B.D.Primus, AlexanderServadio, Joseph LSinger, Randall STravis, Dominic AMoore, SethWolf, Tiffany M2022-09-082022-09-082022-09-08 Predicted toxicity values for the detected contaminants. 2. Chemical profiles for contaminants detected in water samples collected through POCIS. 3. Chemical profiles for contaminants detected in sediment samples. 4. Chemical profiles for contaminants detected in fish tissue samples. 5. Chemical profiles for contaminants detected in water, sediment, and fish tissue samples. 6. Cumulative versus normalized Aquatic Toxicity Profile scores for contaminants detected in water samples collected through POCIS. 7. Cumulative versus normalized Aquatic Toxicity Profile scores for contaminants detected in sediment. 8. Cumulative versus normalized Aquatic Toxicity Profile scores for contaminants detected in fish. 9. Sensitivity analysis for changes in water chemicals priority level based on detection frequency thresholds. 10. Sensitivity analysis for changes in sediment chemicals priority level based on detection frequency thresholds. 11. Sensitivity analysis for changes in fish chemicals priority level based on detection frequency thresholdsThese data describe contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) detected in subsistence fish species and freshwater ecosystems on the Grand Portage Indian Reservation and adjacent 1854 Ceded Territory in Northeastern Minnesota, USA. They also contain chemical-specific information, including acute toxicity, endocrine activity, physicochemical properties, and frequency of occurrence data used to prioritize detected CECs based on their potential environmental hazard.CC0 1.0 UniversalChemicals of emerging concernPharmaceuticalsPersonal care productsEcosystem healthAquatic toxicologyIndigenous peoplesSupporting data for "A chemical prioritization process: Applications to contaminants of emerging concern in freshwater ecosystems (Phase 1)"Dataset