McLean, John D.2014-08-192014-08-192014-04-22John D. McLean, OH 437. Oral history interview by Jeffrey R. Yost, 22 April 2014, McLean, Virginia. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 437, 54 pp.In this oral history, computer security pioneer John McLean begins by discussing his graduate education in logic as well as computer science (working with Dave Parnas). The interview focuses on McLean’s long tenure at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)—serving as a scientist, supervisory scientist, and later, as a senior administrator (Superintendent of the Information Technology Division of NRL). Among other topics, McLean discusses his collaboration with Carl Landwehr and Constance Heitmeyer on a security model for the Military Message Systems, his (System Z) counterexample that challenged a premise of the Bell-LaPadula security model, the origins of the Foundations Workshop, and managerial roles at NRL. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1116862, “Building an Infrastructure for Computer Security History.”en-USComputer historyComputer securitySystem ZBell-LaPadula ModelFoundations Workshop (computer security)TCSEC (The Orange Book)Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC)Naval Research LaboratoryComputer security modelsIEEE Security and Privacy SymposiumMilitary Message SystemsOral history interview with John D. McLeanOral History