Karatekin, CananMason, SusanRiegelman, Amy L.Bakker, CaitlinHunt, ShandaGresham, BriaCorcoran, FrederiqueBarnes, Andrew2021-03-182022-02-212022-02-21https://hdl.handle.net/11299/219142The file "List of full-text articles assessed for eligibility" is a spreadsheet of all the articles that were screened to determine whether they were eligible for the literature review. The file includes the decisions to include or exclude as well as reasons for inclusion. The file "Consensus codes on all articles" contains the consensus decisions on the set of variables included. The "Lit_reviewR" file contains the same data in a CSV format, and is read in to the R script used for data analysis, "Data analysis in R.R". The "Journals" file contains a list of all the journals the eligible articles were published in. We also uploaded the Method section of the paper, which is necessary for replicating the study. The study was conducted in Minnesota, and all co-authors are affiliated with the University of Minnesota.The items included in this depository are the materials needed to replicate the methodology and results of the scoping review of research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).CC BY 4.0https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Adverse childhood experiences, ACEs, scoping review, fundingData for Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Scoping Review of Measures and MethodsDatasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/s2jm-1j25