Carlson, Kristin, MOwen, Andrew2020-03-242020-03-242020-03-24 data are provided in 4 ESRI shapefiles. The shapefiles are segmented by the analysis day of the week and departure time. The fields include the Census block-level 15-digit identifier (GEOID10), baseline accessibility, tier 1 managed lane scenario accessibility, their absolute difference, their percent difference. CRS EPSG: 4326 - WGS 84. Users should be able to map the cumulative job accessibility by automobile for 4 comparisons between baseline (general purpose lanes) and managed lanes (tier 1 corridors).These data are the results of an automobile accessibility analysis for MnPASS managed lane corridors within the Metropolitan Council jurisdiction. The details of the "Tier 1" managed lanes selected for this study can be found in the 2040 Thrive MSP Transportation Policy Plan (TPP). Census block level access to jobs is evaluated for the Existing/Under Construction MnPASS corridors and compared to the planned corridors included in the Tier 1 Current Revenue Scenario. Accessibility change is measured as the number of additional jobs a worker can reach when Tier 1 MnPASS corridor speeds are allowed compared to general purpose lane speeds, for the same departure time of day and travel duration.CC0 1.0 Universal lanesaccess to jobsBlock-level accessibility data for managed lanes in the Twin Cities, 2019Dataset